Wednesday, April 4, 2012

He Shoots but Will He Score?

March Madness. The time of year when all the basketball fans get together and watch they're teams either fail in a well played season, or some lucky fans get to watch their boys bring home the gold. So what's all this got to do with the race? Well, in honor of the month, one witty cartoonist gives us a wonderful drawing of our friend Mr. Gingrich, and him being on the court because, according to him, "he still has a shot". The title of this piece is "March Madness" (as you can see at the bottom of the drawing), and you see here what would be a regular basketball game. Except aspiring Republican candidate Newt Gingrich is playing. And he happens to be around the same size as the sneakers of the players. Could his extremely small size signify his inability to finish off the race and succeed? And although he is so small, you can see Newt strongly suggesting otherwise, contradicting the beliefs of many others. In the cartoon you can see that Newt is struggling, but still pushing himself to shoot the ball and hopefully score points for  team Gingrich. You can see all the larger figures doing everything to block him from scoring. Could these figures represent the other Republican candidates, and show that they are trying to do what they can to stop him from pushing forward? Or could these figures be a metaphorical representation of Gingrich's own beliefs, and how him being such a radical conservative is what will ultimately stand in his way for the Republican Presidential nomination. This picture relates to a current political event because this is a picture of the current position if you will, of Mr. Gingrich. Because he is so far right, statistics have shown he is progressively losing popularity amongst many voters. This picture relates to our in-class discussions because we just finished discussing the political spectrum and ideology and what these things are. This picture has many influences of the satirical and ironic natures. For one, as said before, it is ironic how small Gingrich is on the scale of all the other shown players, and how he is still expressing his belief that he will make it. He cannot even hold the ball (or his own  campaign) right, and shoot it so that he will score the majority of the votes and his numbers will go up. As for the Gingrich campaign, we'll just have to see if his numbers will rise, or they'll plummit in a failed effort to succeed. 

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